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Rezension zu
Never Let You Go

Die Rezension bezieht sich auf eine nicht mehr lieferbare Ausgabe.

NEVER LET YOU GO is a full package that brings different mixed emotions, and it unfolds every act in a very masterpiece way!

Von: Arbenit Mala

This is the best dark contemporary adult series, Monica is a really great Author and I'm flattered with her amazing writings! I love second-chance romances that is filled with hope, happiness and heartbreaks! NEVER LET YOU GO is a full package that brings different mixed emotions, and it unfolds every act in a very masterpiece way, all the love, hate, rape, family issues are well deep connected which makes you turn the pages so fast, for me it is a perfect paradise novel as I devoured it in a very emotional way! I wish this was a major shoe because it has a lot of details that will make you cry and even more others that will make you laugh! . This is the second part of NEVER TEAR US APART which I read it and it is absolutely brilliant book, but the second part NEVER LET ME GO is more completed in every way! So the story is about the two main characters Ethan and Katie which they shouldn't be together but they do and the struggles they get are so thrilling and real in the same time in present days! All the difficult choices in very worst moments are so well explained by the Author, she really is a powerful woman for talking about such great topics in the novel!

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