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Between Earth and Heaven

Von: The Mist Child

(Da mein Blog sich nicht nur an deutsche Leser richten soll ist diese Rezension in englischer Sprache verfasst.) Normally I wouldn’t read a book like “Some girls must die”, as the german title would be translated, but I wanted to give it a fair chance. The title one the one hand dosen’t say much, because, well, Liz is dead right from the start of the book and theres no way around it. And on the other hand it says it all, because there must be a real reason why Liz had to die. Together with the back page. I had no real clue what I should expect from this book… Guess what? I liked the story. I mean it wasn’t amazing or really great, but it was interessting and nice to read. The girl - Liz Valchar - wakes up on the morning of her birthday only to discover that she’s dead and with no memory about her last night on earth. With no other person to turn to she befriends with Alex, a boy from her school, who died one year ago. With him on her side she starts to discover the lives of her friends and family, who have to live on without her and also her own past, that held not only many truth she wants to deny but also the key to her memories of her last night. Discovering her past and the buried secrets new reminded me a lot of the saying that one can see his life before his eyes in the moment he dies (did I say it right? My English wouldn’t work together with my thoughts ^^”). Only that Liz dose not see it in the moment of death but in the time after, while she’s a ghost. It also was interesting to see how the lives of the people left behind are going one. How they are struggling with the death of a young girl, finding answers and starting to look into the future again. These both aspects made this story really, really good and interesting for me. If it where only for the story I would have given seven point or even more… But there is something that ruined it for me. What runied this book for me? More like who ruined it… Liz is the one who ruined it for me. I mean in her own way she wasn’t a bad character, she made a great progress, learning about dark secrets and facing her own mistakes and all this stuff. It was really great and not overboard or something like that. But she was annoying me right from the start. Since Liz is the perfect, popular, with out a flaw… Upps sorry I already said that… But well she’s everything and has it all, she’s rich, good looking, awesome boyfriend, great dad, loving sister and you know it all. The only thing that not fitting is that she isn’t a cheerleader… And with her “I’m to perfect to be dead and my shoes hurt” affectations and the way she wouldn’t believe that she is dead and all the dark things that where happening around her and that she isn’t or wasn’t perfect at all… It just drove me mad. Since I really have something against this kind of characters, you can better kill my favorite character than give me a protagonist like Liz. So with this good story and this crappy protagonist it wasn’t that much fun reading it. It was kind of good, I even shed a few tears at the end. But the best thing I can say about this book is, that it proved me right to trust my guts and keep away from books that don’t feel right to me. ★★★★★ 5 out of 10 stars.

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