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Rezension zu
Giants - Sie sind erwacht

Die Rezension bezieht sich auf eine nicht mehr lieferbare Ausgabe.

Giant Robots and Outer Space

Von: The Bookavid

Gefiel mir sehr gut! Was für eine angenehme Überraschung! Die Rezension geht am 2.10.2016 auf meinem Blog online, daher wird der Link auch erst dann funktionieren. Werde zusätzlich zum Erscheinungsdatum der Rezension auf Tumblr, Google+ und Twitter posten. All anderen Links habe ich oben schonmal eingefügt. Grüße! P.S: Wäre klasse, wenn es im Bloggerportal generell eine Funktion gäbe um solche Nachrichten an den Ansprechpartner weiterzuleiten. ;) ##### In SLEEPING GIANTS, a little girl finds an enormous robot hand made of metal in the woods and the military immediately grows interested in it. What intrigued me: The tagline they used in promotion got me. World War Z meets THE MARTIAN? Um yeah, get on my shelf ASAP. Perfect transitional read for people who don't like Sci-Fi SLEEPING GIANTS is told through interview snippets and diary entries from multiple characters. All in some way connect to a mysterious man who is secretly in control of the operation to get the robot to work. Most of it is actually dialogue, which I loved. It makes this way easier to read and hides the fact that this is a pretty heavy Sci-fi thriller with political elements. Especially for people like me who shy away from epic Sci-fi or political thrillers, this could serve as a nice transitional read to get more into the genre. I definitely struggled a little with the tone of the novel. Most of the plot is told from the persecptive of military officials and scientists who use highbrow language and complex scientific processes to explain things. Even though Neuvel tries to simplify all concepts and processes, I found myself zoning out whenever someone started talking about chemical elements. This is very minor though, because the story about the ancient robot hand will eventually suck you in and force you to keep on reading until your eyes burn. It happened to me. At some point the story just starts to become so gripping and you get so invested that it's almost impossible to put it down. Enchanting and thrilling I was surprised to grow attached to the characters and their fate. Neuvel manages to paint multi-faceted character relationships by telling the majority of the interactions in retrospective. If two characters who aren't the mysterious interviewer and another character interact, it's always told after it happened and through the eyes of one of the people who were there. You'd think that format would get tiring after a while but it really doesn't. I'm so glad Neuvel wrote this almost exclusively in dialogue, because I'm sure I would've zoned out or even quit the novel altogether if that story was told in a classic way. Like this it's easy, it's handy, it fits the plot. I enjoyed this a lot and found myself unable to predict any of the twists, which is really rare. SLEEPING GIANTS is a very unique, almost experimental read that will surprise and enchant you. Rating: ★★★★½☆ Overall: Do I Recommend? Following the events in SLEEPING GIANTS almost became an addiction. It's really impossible to put down and a fantastic thriller that you should read if you like conspiracies and aliens.

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