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Rezension zu
Deathline - Ewig dein

Die Rezension bezieht sich auf eine nicht mehr lieferbare Ausgabe.

Beautiful pageturner

Von: Jo

I finished 'Ewig Dein - Deathline' by Janet Clark when it was actually early bird's morning after a nightlong reading session. When I finally turned over the last page, I just wanted the sequal to read on. Once you started reading this book it gets harder & harder to put it aside. With every now and than giving forward hints, you get so little pieces of what will happen that you really have to clinge on to it - your imagination runs free, I promise (or warn you?) 😏 It, however, really is different to what I expected. Loaded with 'I want to know what comes next', mixed with beautiful heartbreaking-cute romance and a topping of awesome, 'normal' characters and a little glance of magic, this is a must-read book. It's about friendship and trust and head-heart-conflicts and bravery. Now. Go. Buy. That. Book. READ it. *cough*

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