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ZERO - Sie wissen, was du tust

Die Rezension bezieht sich auf eine nicht mehr lieferbare Ausgabe.

Right, now I'm doing exactly what Zero warned me not to do...

Von: Abbe

It's been about two months since I first read Zero. By now I'm in the middle of reading it for the third time, and thus went looking for Zero's guerilla guide. But all I found this website. Which wasn't too bad either ;-) The book fascinated me from the moment I saw it in the bookstore, and it became one of those impulse buys that happen so often when visiting a 'live' bookstore. It was more or less a case of "consuming only what strenghtens your own opinions", but I learned an awful lot from the book nonetheless. For example: when a few weeks after my first reading of the book, LinkedIn sent me a mail with an update of their policy which included the option of giving me tips based on my previous messaging within said medium in order to improve my chances of finding the job of my dreams (!!! ActApps anybody??), my response was to pretty much completely empty my account, and I'm still considering closing it all together. Not that such would erase the past of course, but I'm fortunate to have been a conscientious objector to Facebook and Twitter and the likes since they came into existence, so with a bit of luck... Right. I'll probably never be able to be one of Zero's bubbles in clear water, but with no smartphone, no customer cards other than the Bahncard, and the long standing practice of getting money from the ATM in order to avoid paying with my card in shops may at least keep the level of what 'they' know about me at a low. Funny though: I once checked how Google had pigeonholed me. They interpreted me as being some 10 years older than I really was, plus they got the gender wrong! Not that I corrected it - I thought it both hilarious and comforting that they were unable to get even something as basic as the gender right. Meanwhile, although I have no real trouble reading German, I'm looking forward to Zero's release in English, so I'll be able to recommend it to my friends. For myself, I still have Helix to read. Blackout was good, too, but as far as I'm concerned, Zero was absolute top class - both in entertainment and in educational matters! And with that statement, I'll end my public opinion on the book, making it available for the Datenkraken to analyze... ;-p

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