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The Choice - Bis zum letzten Tag

Großartiges Buch mit Hintergrundgedanken!!!!!

Von: lost_in_pages.__

My opinion: ♥♥♥♥♥ I really, really like this book. I was really captivated by it and I was really in the book so I could identify myself with the characters. I like the way they met each other but I think the way they fell in love is a bit too easy. First I didn´t like that you don´t know what happens when Kevin founds out about them and how all settled down and I missed the marriage and the birth of their children. But later I understand why it isn´t exactly told in the book bc I was so happy when they finally came together and when you realize what happen next your whole fellings change in such a drastic way as they never would if you know the whole story of there life until then. So I think it's a very smart idea to write the book like this. First I didn´t understand what happened when Travis walked in the hospital but yeah how I told you before. When I realized the reason I was so sad and could't believe it. I liked that you learned bit y bit more thongs about their life and what happened. I felt so sad for Travis and I cried so much at the end. :( So emotional!!! I hate that I can't tell you exactly bc I won't spoiler:( The best thing about the book is that in my opinion there is a background thought. I mean the thing with the Dove which is the symbol for hope. And hope is the only thing that matters at this part of the book. I think this should show you an important thing in life. Never see luck, love, health and things for granted. Be always pleased about what you and your friends, family... have. Pray and hope that it won´t change bc it could change every time even in one little second. (e.g. an accident could happen or something like that). All could be destroyed and maybe nothing will be like before. And when that happens you often won´t have another choice than to hope and pray that all turns out in a good way. Without hope you probably won't experience a miracle even when all seems hopeless. If Travis hadn't hoped the book would have ended in a completely different way. A very sad way. So never forget to hope even if it seems hopeless!!!!!! In my opinion that´s what the book is going to tell you. Maybe I am wrong but for me it's like that and I think that's an very important thing you should know in life. So the book gets definitely 5/5♥ Can't wait to watch the movie:D READ IT!!!!! :D

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